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Brand slogan:Wangao,Stimulate creativity

Brand VisionWorld leading brand of building blocks

Brand missionProvide users with better products and better services

Management policyPragmatic and enterprising, reputation first, 

                   determined to innovate and win with quality;

沈阳市| 开远市| 广州市| 温州市| 北川| 枣庄市| 正宁县| 肇东市| 策勒县| 株洲县| 通化县| 彰化市| 郴州市| 浙江省| 武功县| 浦北县| 兰坪| 老河口市| 和林格尔县| 三门县| 屏南县| 项城市| 永宁县| 吴旗县| 专栏| 威信县| 张北县| 北票市| 鲁山县| 安龙县| 崇义县| 南昌县| 海盐县| 宝鸡市| 乐安县| 桓仁| 浠水县| 元江| 鄂温| 平昌县| 秦安县|